Michel Depeyrot

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Les publications de Michel Depeyrot

Vocabulary of Symbols and Images

"Vocabulary of Symbols and Images" for a Therapy by the Imaginary in Action

Tome 2 of the Lexicon in love with the Psyche


Résumé du livre :

Who would care about one more book on any weird ways to interpret dreams?
As an experienced practitioner of the powerful “Therapy by the Imaginary in Action” (TIA), Michel Depeyrot is attempting to overcome a double challenge through the publication of the fi rst two-way lexicon of the language of the imaginary. Starting from the psychotherapeutic technique developed by Georges Romey over the last thirty years as Free Wakeful dreaming (FWD), this author has broadened its reach thanks to Carl-Gustav Jung’s “Active Imagination” and Georges Vaillant’s illustration of mechanisms of defense. It results in this «Vocabulary of Concepts and Processes» for a Therapy by the Imaginary in Action, namely Tome 1 of a Lexicon in love with the Psyche.
The grammar of productions from the imaginary, discovered by Georges Romey, is the fi rst breakthrough in fi fty years after the pioneering and celebrated work of Noam Chomsky on the syntax of spoken languages. The structure of dream scenarios, both wakeful and sleeping, is presented in Tome 1 to turn it into the preferred reference for studying new therapeutic processes.
This Lexicon is the first of its kind, after numerous encyclopedia of symbols and dictionaries of dreams, which were never made consistent at once with a therapeutic process and with their translation in reverse. Indeed a lexicon must enable the practice of linguistic interpretation for a theme and not only a version. The latter is enabled by Tome 2, the «Vocabulary of Symbols and Images» for a therapy by the Imaginary in Action.
A practical template for decrypting methodically any TIA scenario is presented in Tome 2. It is readily usable for scenarios dreamt in any culture and expressed in any spoken language, as dream scenarios are expressed in words, which serve merely as pointers to symbolic images.
This active and effi cient therapy consists in exploiting the natural healing function of the imaginary, more effi cient than any psychotherapist’ attempt at directing the patient’s consciousness, which can only be a hindrance. Transference and counter-transference in TIA are nurtured only between the dreamers and their own unconscious, adding to the cure an astounded discovery of the Self by the patient.

20,80 €
366 pages
Isbn : 978-2-8231-0982-5
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Vocabulary of Concepts and Processes

"Vocabulary of Concepts and Processes" for a Therapy by the Imaginary in Action

Tome 1 of the Lexicon in love with the Psyche


Résumé du livre :

Who would care about one more book on any weird ways to interpret dreams?
As an experienced practitioner of the powerful “Therapy by the Imaginary in Action” (TIA), Michel Depeyrot is attempting to overcome a double challenge through the publication of the fi rst two-way lexicon of the language of the imaginary. Starting from the psychotherapeutic technique developed by Georges Romey over the last thirty years as Free Wakeful dreaming (FWD), this author has broadened its reach thanks to Carl-Gustav Jung’s “Active Imagination” and Georges Vaillant’s illustration of mechanisms of defense. It results in this «Vocabulary of Concepts and Processes» for a Therapy by the Imaginary in Action, namely Tome 1 of a Lexicon in love with the Psyche.
The grammar of productions from the imaginary, discovered by Georges Romey, is the fi rst breakthrough in fi fty years after the pioneering and celebrated work of Noam Chomsky on the syntax of spoken languages. The structure of dream scenarios, both wakeful and sleeping, is presented in Tome 1 to turn it into the preferred reference for studying new therapeutic processes. This Lexicon is the fi rst of its kind, after numerous encyclopedia of symbols and dictionaries of dreams, which were never made consistent at once with a therapeutic process and with their translation in reverse. Indeed a lexicon must enable the practice of linguistic interpretation for a theme and not only a version. The latter is enabled by Tome 2, the «Vocabulary of Symbols and Images» for a therapy by the Imaginary in Action.
A practical template for decrypting methodically any TIA scenario is presented in Tome 2. It is readily usable for scenarios dreamt in any culture and expressed in any spoken language, as dream scenarios are expressed in words, which serve merely as pointers to symbolic images.
This active and effi cient therapy consists in exploiting the natural healing function of the imaginary, more effi cient than any psychotherapist’ attempt at directing the patient’s consciousness, which can only be a hindrance. Transference and counter-transference in TIA are nurtured only between the dreamers and their own unconscious, adding to the cure an astounded discovery of the Self by the patient.

20,80 €
330 pages
Isbn : 978-2-8231-0978-8
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«Précoce» et Moi

Egalement disponible en américain :
Healing Processes driven by our Unconscious in "Free Wakeful Dreaming".

En savoir plus :


Médecines du futur,
guérisons d'aujourd'hui

Primée : Médecine du futur, guérisons d'aujourd'hui Essai

Résumé du livre :

Deux mondes s'ignorent ou se méprisent : celui de la science officielle d'aujourd'hui et celui des savoirs divers issus des pratiques paramédicales remontant à plusieurs millénaires.

D'un côté, le monde finissant : les secteurs de la science qui se croient arrivés au terme de leurs remises en cause ; les sciences médicales convaincues de la suprématie des neurones ou des gènes ; la biologie moléculaire et la pharmacologie limitées aux lois de la chimie et de l'électrostatique ; la psychologie enfermée dans la parole psychanalytique pour psychothérapies au long cours. Le monde finissant est celui des quatre secteurs de la science bien établis dans leurs certitudes simplistes.

De l'autre côté, un autre monde qu'ont exploré ensemble Michel Depeyrot et feu Jean-François Éloy, célèbre physicien, spécialiste d'électromagnétisme. Le regard neuf que cet ouvrage invite à porter sur la science démontre le potentiel réellement curatif de plusieurs techniques paramédicales, dont le «  traitement énergétique » et la « thérapie par l'imaginaire en action » et remet en cause l'interprétation de Copenhague encore dominante en physique quantique, ainsi que tout traitement physiologique par le biais de molécules.

13,70 €
168 pages
Isbn : 978-2-8231-0180-5
Ce livre n'est actuellement plus commercialisé.